
Working In Silence; Sources Claim 128 GB iPhone 6 Plus Crash Issue Fixed

With the launch of the iPhone 6 Plus, Apple seemed to have done the right affair this September. Marketplace tendency was shifting towards larger screened devices and the Cupertino tech giant finally gave in to popular need and introduced the 5.five inch iPhone 6 Plus. But the device has been plagued with more 1 effect since its launch.

Old after its launch, users started reporting a strange event with their devices. The iPhone 6 Plus started to 'bend' after being left inside pockets for too long. The effect caught the internet'southward attention and even got its own name - #bendgate.

getApple Has Quietly Fixed 128 GB iPhone half-dozen Plus Crash Issue - Sources Merits

Bendgate nevertheless, was not the but result that plague the iPhone 6 Plus. 2 weeks back several users started complaining that 128 GB variants of their devices started to crash once too many apps were installed on them. Apple tree even replaced several devices just the issue failed to gain widespread attention. And information technology looks like folks over at Apple are smashing to brand sure that this stays the aforementioned.

Sources in South korea advise that the Californian manufacturer has located the cause of this defect and has fabricated changes to the iPhone six Plus' internal components which should not cause the device to crash anymore. The crusade of the iPhone half dozen Plus crashing is allegedly the multi-level cell flash storage on the device.

The MLC has now been replaced by the triple level controller, which fifty-fifty though has slower information read/write speeds but tin can store 1.5 times the data and does not have a faulty IC controller of the former. The aforementioned Korean news source was too the one who speculated earlier that the cause of the trouble on the iPhone 6 Plus was the malfunctioning IC of the TLC on the iPhone half-dozen Plus.

No word from Apple, as expected, is bachelor. So we'll continue y'all updated as this develops. In the meanwhile let united states know how your 128 GB iPhone 6 Plus units are faring out.


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